Saturday 24 November 2012

A few days of updates

A quiet few days. 

We drove to franz hosed glacier on the west coast - a long drive through Arthur's pass which took 12 hours as we went via Christchurch to pick up some new people.

The next day was a day at the glacier, but the weather was so bad most of the day that we mostly stayed inside - a nice chilled day. At 5pm I went to explore the town when the rain stopped and managed to snag a lift out to the glacier and back.

The following day we drove to makarora via the haast pass (a road only completed in the 60s which took 35 years to build and opened up the south west coast to tourism). Stayed in the middle of nowhere which was peaceful but a little dull.

Then today drove onto queenstown where we stay three  nights and are free to do our own thing, and I've booked in some good adventures for the next couple of days!

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