Thursday 15 November 2012

The middle of nowhere

A really great day today. Started off with a a visit to an awesome waterfall which plunges through a very tight canyon - called Haku falls I think. After that a visit to a geothermal river - beautifully warm pools and waterfall.

A drive around lake Taupo (basically a huge volcano crater) towards the blue duck lodge in the middle of nowhere. It's a privately owned farm in the middle of the north island - they from sheep, cows and beef as well as being a conservation and Eco-tourism centre.

Great fun on the back a big quad bike as we accompanied the farm workers in their work herding the cows an sheep. Obviously growing up in Cheshire this is not something new, but standing in the back of a quad bike with four awesome sheep dogs made it really special (I've found my new favourite dog breed and realised I need to get a Dog in the next year or two!)

My favourite dog Trig!

With my German superstars Lara and Rebekah

We saw one of new Zealand's most endangered bird species - the blue duck and even saw a baby (there are barely 600 of this species left in the wild so it was pretty special!) then a bit of kayaking through an amazing canyon (one of the dogs joined in!).

Finished off with some clay pigeon shooting! Not something I have ever done before, but I did okay! Made 7 shots out of 10 and really enjoyed it so will think about doing it again when I'm back in the Uk. Who knows maybe ill be competing in Rio in 2016 ;)

A goat curry for dinner and a big walk ahead tomorrow!!


  1. Wow, what a day! Thought Daddy and I had done a lot of NZ, but your trip really piles on the experiences - brilliant. We saw the Haku falls, and the only one up we have over you is flying over the Taupo volcanoes in a helicopter!! It is a most spectacular place - NZ just keeps piling on the scenic wonders and you are making me want to go back before too long. Good to have been to Rotorua too - we missed that. Can't wait for the next instalment. Love Marianne

  2. i'm with MNR i really want to do this trip now. def a hope for 2016 i feel!
