Sunday 18 November 2012


So we got up early to head bck I te skydiving place. Te weather was good! I paid extra for a personal cameraman to take pictures and video. I was no too nervous about it an slept well. The flight up was really spectacular views - we couk even just see the north island as well as the south Islam mountains and Abel Tasman national park coastline. When the door opened however I got really nervous. It is not natural to jump Out of a plane I don't think!! Lara went first and the look on her face made me really scared! But as this point you are not in control - your tandem guide is - and a few seconds later I am on the edge of the plane and then jumping out and falling to earth! At this point I felt a bit sick but also exhilerated. And then te sensation overload is so much, and the views when the parachute opens are amazing. It's hard to Describe and the feeling of achievement is the one that I remember when I landed. A great experience, I'm so glad I did it!!


  1. Very cool! You appreciate the free fall more the second time... I loved my first so much (Taupo) I did a second one at Fox Glacier instead of a scenic flight!! Hoping to do a 3rd in Africa somewhere!

    Keep having fun.... Another absolute must is full day hike on a glacier!!

  2. Tom this looks amazing, so jealous, though I dont think id be brave enough!

  3. only one hill child left to jump....
