Saturday 17 November 2012

The big walk

Huge walk today. The 19.4km Tongariro crossing. This walk takes you up and across the crater of Mt Tongariro and gives you a great view of the other volcanoes (including mt doom from lord of the rings). Of course you only get the views If the weather is good.

The weather was not good!

We spent the morning walking through a cloud so it was very cold an wet, there were a couple of very steep climbs too which started to make me doubt the enjoyment of it.

However just as we were descending from the highest point the clouds blew over, and we started to get some great views over the lakes, the craters and the national park which made the whole thing worthwhile.

There's also something very satisfying about completing such a big trek, and the spa pools the awaited us at the motel at the end of the day were very welcome! :)

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