Thursday 15 November 2012

Going south from Auckland

We left Auckland today after picking up some new travellers for this leg of the trip.

Drove towards the coromandel peninsula east of Auckland. A good few hours drive and our first stop was Hot Water Beach. This was something really cool and I had not seen it before. You dig a hole on the sand an the hot water currents running under the sand feed hot water just below the surface of the beach. Had a lovely soak in te hit water then hit the Pacific Ocean to cool down before a final dip in the hot pool.

After that we had a nice long walk near the town of HaHei - down to cathedral cove which is a hole in the cliff face.

Then back to our campsite for the evening staying in cabins. A great barbecue cooked by our guide (named "beans"). And some drinks to finish the evening.

Location:Coromandel peninsula

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