Tuesday 20 November 2012

Dolphin Experience

Fabulous day today. Drove from Hanmer Springs to Kaikora. Here the Pacific Ocean has a deep trench that runs almost to the edge of the land - it means its a perfect place to see Marine mammals like Sperm Whales and Dolphins.

What makes it particularly special is that you can swim with the wild dolphins. It's not guaranteed - but usually pretty likely that you will get the chance to.

It was an amazing experience. The water was really cold (12 degrees) but after a few minutes you didn't feel it.

You are encouraged to make noise so that the dolphins hear you and will come over to investigate. We got so close to them - they were swimming in and out of us so quickly and were less than a metre away at times.

They were clearly intelligent, playful and enjoying interacting. When one singles you out to swim around you it is a very special connection and takes your breath away!

We managed to get some good pictures with an underwater camera too. This is one experience I cannot wait to do again!!

 See how close they get!

They got even closer than this dorsal fin suggests!

Swimming right underneath me!

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